Senior Research Officers, Administrative Officers, Field Officers, Pharmacists, Technical Officer (Electrical) – Rubber Research Board of Sri Lanka 2017

Closing Date – 2017-August-10

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Instructions to Candidates

Applications together with the following information, should be send under registered post to reach the address below on or before 10th August 2017. The post applied for should be mentioned on the top left corner of the envelope. Applicants from Government Departments / Corporations Boards / Private sector establishments should forward the applications through their respective Heads of Departments. In addition, a copy may be sent direct.

1. Full name, address, age and civil status

2. Certified copies of educational certificates together with Birth Certificate and other relevant certificates should be attached.

3. Details of present and past employment, and reason for change of employment, including names and addresses of employers.

4. Names and addresses of two non related referees.

Non conformity with the above requirements will result in the application being rejected. Canvassing of any form will be a disqualification.

Rubber Research Board of Sri Lanka,
Telewela Road,

Contact Numbers : 011-2635851 / 011-2635852

Source – Silumina – 2017.07.23