Senior Programming Officer Vacancy – Climate Resilience Improvement Project (CRIP) 2017

Closing Date – 2017-January-25

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Instructions to Candidates

An application (supported by certified copies of Education. Experience and other qualifications) should be submitted to reach the Project Director, Climate Resilience Improvement Project, No. 11, Jawatta Road, Colombo 05, by registered post on or before 25th January 2017. (Applications not duly filled and not having required qualifications & experience and not supported by the certified copies of certificates will he rejected without notice). The post applying for should be marked on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.

Applications of candidates in State Service / Statutory Boards Corporations or other Government Institutions should be forwarded through the Heads of relevant Institutions who should state whether the applicant can be released or not, if selected.

Project Director,
Climate Resilience Improvement Project,
No. 11, Jawatta Road,
Colombo 05.

Contact Numbers : +94 11 2684710 / +94 11 2676844
Email –

Source – Daily News – 2017.01.17