BOC Post of Trainee Staff Assistant Vacancies 2016

Closing Date – 2016-November-28

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Instructions to Candidates

  1. Please follow the instructions mentioned in the advertisement before entering the application.
  2. Those who do not fulfill the eligibility requirements mentioned in the advertisement are advised not to apply.
  3. Please fill all the fields correctly and “preview” your application before “submit”, to verify the spellings and details of the information you have entered.
  4. Keep the ‘Application Reference Number’ of the submitted application for your future reference.
  5. The candidate should be able to produce documentary evidence of the qualifications, if selected for the interview.
  6. Applications send through e-mail or any other method except online or by post will not be accepted, under any circumstance.
  7. If there is any difficulty in submitting the application, please call on 0112205104, 5115, 5117, 5118 on working days between 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  8. Changes will not be permitted after submission of the application.

Source – BOC Official Website