Closing Date – 2016-December-10
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Instructions to Candidates
Interested candidates may send their duty tilled CV on or before 10.12.1016 to the Secretary to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister’s Office. No. 58. Sir Ernest De Siilva Mawatha. Colombo 07 along with the copies oi certificates to ascertain educational and professional qualifications and experience.
Post applied for should be mentioned on the left hand corner of the envelope. Applicants from public / corporate sector organizations should channel their CV through the respective Heads of Organization.
“Those who have submitted their applications in response to our advertisement published in Daily News dated 17. 10.2016 need not apply again.
Canvassing In any form will be a disqualification.
E M S B Elianayake,
Secretary to the Prime Minister,
Prime Minister’s Office,
No. 58. Sir Ernest De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Source – Daily News – 2016.11.25