Closing Date – 2017-July-05
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Instructions to Candidates
Candidates who are already in the public service should send in their applications through Head of the Department / CEO of the Agency. The Head of the Department / CEO should indicate that the candidate will be released from the current employment in the event of being selected to the post.
Application must be in a sealed envelope with the following stated, on the top of the left side of envelope “Application for the Post of Management Assistant – SHSDP Component II”, and should reach the below mentioned address before the 5th July 2017.
Project Director,
Second Health Sector Development Project,
3rd Floor, J.R.Jayawardena Centre,
No. 191, Dharmapala Mawatha,
Colombo 7.
Contact Numbers : (+94) 11 2680490
Email –
Source – Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Official Website