Closing Date – 2016-December-30
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Instructions to Candidates
Applications stating full particulars of qualifications, experience and other relevant information and two non-related referees should be sent under registered cover with the name of the post as appearing in the advertisement written on the top left hand corner of the envelope to Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education & Highways, “Maganeguma Mahamedura”, No. 216, Densil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Koswatta, Battaramulla on or before 30.12.2016.
Applicants employed in Govt. Departments, State Corporations, Boards and Authorities should send their applications through the Heads of their respective organizations.
Ministry of Higher Education & Highways,
“Maganeguma Mahamedura”, No. 216,
Densil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Koswatta, Battaramulla.
Tel : + 94 (0) 11 2871821-30
Email –
Source – Dinamina / Daily News – 2016.12.17