Work / Field Labourer, Office Assistant (Peon) – Nagoda Pradeshiya Sabha 2017

Closing Date – 2017-April-07

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Instructions to Candidates

Applications prepared on a paper of A4 scale should be sent under registered post addressed to Secretary, Nagoda Pradeshiya Sabhawa G/Nagoda, before 07.04.2017. (applicants already in Public Service and Provincial Public Service should forward their applications through the heads of the institutions where they serve. Applications received after the specified day will be ignored. Applications not accompanied with the certified copies and required certificates will be rejected. (Name of the post should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope enclosing the application).

The following certified copies should be sent along with the applications originals should be produced at the interview :
01. Birth Certificate,
02. Educational Certificate

03. Certificate of residence issued by the Grama Niladhari of the area concerned to establish the prescribed period of residence, countersigned by the divisional Secretary,
04. Two certificates of character obtained recently,
05. Certificates of other qualifications, if any.

Nagoda Pradeshiya Sabhawa,

Source – Gazette – 2017.03.24