Chief Engineer (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical), Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical), Engineering Assistant (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) – National Water Supply and Drainage Board 2017

Closing Date – 2017-June-19

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Instructions to Candidates

Applications giving full bio-data with contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail) for immediate communication together with copies of certificates of educational and professional qualifications, experience, past service details together with addresses and contact numbers of two non-related referees should be sent under registered cover or by email to reach the following address on or before 19th June 2017. Please mark the post you applied for, on the top left hand corner of the envelope or as the subject of email. Email address and mobile number are compulsory as we communicate exclusively via email and SMS.

Effective dates of the relevant educational certificates are to be given. Applications are subjected to reject upon failure to provide copies of certificates. Applications sent by e-mail should attach scanned copies of all certificates. Those which are sent without scanned certificates will not be considered for selection.

Aptitude test will be held on 22nd and 23rd June 2017 and will be informed through E-mail or SMS and all applicants are expected to have E-mail and SMS facilities. Names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of persons who have issued testimonials with regard to past experience of the applicant should be furnished in order to obtain confirmation.

Project Director,Kundasale Haragama Water Supply Project/
Actg. Project Director, Kandy North Pathadumbara Integrated Water Supply Project,

National Water Supply & Drainage Board,
Pahala Kondadeniya,

Contact Numbers : 081-2492287
Email –

Source – Water Board Official Website