Closing Date – 2017-March-10
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Instructions to Candidates
Duly filled application should be sent along with 02 clear photographs of the drawing. In case of sculptures and installations, a compact disc which contains 03 photographs of the front and side views of the sculpture/installation and a passport size photograph of the relevant applicant should be sent along with the duly filled application. “State arts and Sculpture festival – 2017” should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope. applications should be sent or delivered by hand to “director, department of cultural affairs, 8th floor, Sethsiripaya, battaramulla”.
Department of Cultural Affairs,
8th Floor,
Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla.
Contact Numbers : 011-2882551/011-2872031
Email –
Source – Gazette – 2017.02.03