Closing Date – 2016-December-26
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Instructions to Candidates
Applications perfected using both sides of an A4 paper (21cm x 29cm) according to the specimen application appended to this notification and should be filled by the candidate him/herself. The application which is not conform with the given specimen application will be rejected. Application
should be sent only by the registered post addressed to “Commissioner General, Department of Agrarian Development, No. 42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, P.O. Box 537, Colombo 07” on or before 26th December 2016. The top left hand corner of the envelope enclosing the application should be marked as “Open Competitive Examination for the recruitment to the post of Technical Officer of Class III of Sri Lanka Technological Service – 2016”.
The candidates who are already in State Service should forward the application form through the Head oi the Department and the applications which are late. unclear and incomplete will be rejected without notice. Applications should be tilted by the candidate in the medium of language that the candidate is willing to sit for the exam.
Commissioner General,
Department of Agrarian Development,
No. 42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha,
P.O. Box 537, Colombo 07.
Tel : 011-2694231/3
Email –
Source – Dinamina / Daily News – 2016.11.25