Calling Application for Master Trainers in Early Childhood Development Project 2016

Advertisement Published Date – 2016-November-16

* Applicants should send their copies of relevant educational and vocational certificates with detailed bio data within 10 days from the date of this advertisement.

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Instructions to Candidates

Applicants should be forwaded their copies of relevant educational and vocational certificates with detailed bio data within 10 days from the date of this advertisement under registered post to reach Project Director, Early Childhood Development Project, Ministry of Women & Child Affairs, 5th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage II, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka. “Mater Trainers in ECD-ECD-WB/MWCA/2016” should be marked on the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Project Director,
Early Childhood Development Project,
Ministry of Women & Child Affairs,
5th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage II,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.

Tel : 011-2186055
Email –

Source – Dinamina (2016.11.16)