Closing Date – 2016-November-30
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Instructions to Candidates
Applicants should forward their applications with 02 non related referees and their contact details together with copies of certificates to reach the Chairman, State Timber Corporation, No. 82, Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla on or before 30.11.2016 by registered post. The post applied for should be written on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. Illegible, incomplete and late applications will be rejected without any prior notifications. The applicants already in National or Provincial Government Service / Corporation and Statutory Bodies should submit their applications through the Heads of the Department or Corporations. Only the eligible applicants will be called for interviews.
State Timber Corporation,
No. 82,
Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla.
Tel : 011-2866601-5
Source – Official Website