Closing Date – 2017-February-15
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Instructions to Candidates
(a) Applications should be submitted in applicant’s own hand writing in terms of the form specified below. All cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. Applications should be forwarded under registered cover to : “Command Recruiting Officer, Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School, Ekala, Kotugoda” so as to reach him not later than 1200 noon on 15th Febuary 2017. The envelope enclosing the application should be marked “Application for Cadetship/Lady Cadetship in the ……………… Branch”. A candidate will be allowed to apply for only one Branch, those who apply for more than one Branch the applications will be rejected. Applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained.
(b) Candidates who are in Government Service/ Corporations/Boards/Civil Establishments should forward their applications through their Heads of Department/Corporations/Boards/Civil Establishments and should bear a certificate to the effect that the candidate will be released if selected.
(c) Candidates will be required to produce the originals of the following documents when summoned for interviews or when called upon to do so :
1. Certificate of Registration of Birth (Certificate issued for the purpose of the education code will not be accepted) ;
2. Certificates in support of the educational qualifications required for the branch applied for;
3. Certificates of trade/technical training and/ or experience (if any) obtained from a recognized institution ;
4. Two recent certificates of character. One of these should be from the principal of the last school attended and the other from a responsible person who has the know of the applicant for more than two years or from the present employer (if employed).
5. Certificates in support of sports activities, cadetting etc. ;
(d) Applications of candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered.
(e) No documents or original copies of documents should be attached to the application form.
(f) The Air Force will not be responsible for loss of any originals of certificates if enclosed with the application form.
Command Recruiting Officer, Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School, Ekala, Kotugoda
Command Recruiting Officer,
Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School,
Contact Numbers : 011-2441044 / 011-2495495
Email –
Source – Gazette – 2017.02.03