Closing Date is Extended to – 2017-December-31
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Instructions to Candidates
Applications perfected by candidates shall be forwarded to the head of department along with a photocopy. once his/her recommendation is obtained, the photocopy shall be filed in the personal file of the candidate while the original shall be sent through the respective head of department to reach The Commissioner General of Examinations, Organization and foreign Examinations branch, Department of Examinations, P. O. box 1503, Colombo. before 30/10/2017 by Registered Post. copies of applications other than the application sent through the head of department should not be sent personally.
Applications received after the closing date shall be rejected. the respective head of department should certify that the application has been perfected in every respect and shall place his signature on the certificate indicated in No. 14 of the specimen application. No application shall be sent to the private address of the Commissioner General of Examinations or any other officer of the said Department. the top left corner of the envelope containing the application should clearly bear the words “Limited Competitive Examination for recruitment to Supra Grade of Public management Assistant’s Service – 2017”.
Commissioner General of Examinations,
Organization and Foreign Examination Branch,
Department of Examinations,
P. O. Box 1503, Colombo.
Contact Numbers : Hotline : 1911 / 011-2786200, 011-2784201, 011-2785202, 011-2784204, 011-2786205, 011-2784206
Email –
Source – Gazette (2017.09.29) / Gazette (2017.10.13) / Gazette (2017.12.15)