Professor, Lecturer (Probationary), Temporary lecturer, Instructor, Librarian, Bursar, Works Engineer (Civil), Audit Assistant, Plumber – Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka 2017

Closing Date – 2017-October-31

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Instructions to Candidates

Duly completed application forms should be forwarded with the certified copies of certificates and relevant document stated in the above circulars under registered cover indicating the post applied for on the top left hand corner of the envelope to reach the “Senior Assistant Registrar (Establishment), Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Puttlam Road, Anuradhapura” on or before 31st October, 2017. 

Candidates in the service of the Universities, Government Departments, State Corporations and Statutory Bodies should channel their applications through the Heads of the respective Institutions. Applications received after the closing date/ incomplete applications/ not in conformity with the above requirements will be rejected.

Senior Assistant Registrar (Establishment),
Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka,
Puttlam Road, Anuradhapura.

Contact Numbers : 025-2235328

Source – Silumina (2017.09.24) / Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka Official Website / Silumina (2017.10.15)