M.Sc. Surveying Sciences 2024 Intake – Faculty of Graduate Studies – Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

Closing Date – 2024-09-15

About The Programme

The Master of Science in Surveying Sciences programme provides intensive training on the technical, analytical and professional aspects of modern and advanced surveying, geodesy, management, and environmental subjects. This postgraduate programme is tailor-made for land surveying professionals who have a Bachelor’s degree in Surveying Sciences, or an equivalent qualification with at least two years of experience in the field of Geomatics. Selected candidates are required to undertake coursework and a research project for the completion of the degree as specified in the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) established by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka.


The main objective of the programme is to provide sound exposure to state-of-the-art technologies in this field, to allow students to specialize in the management of practical projects. Graduates will consequently become leading technical personnel in the fields of surveying/geomatics. To achieve this objective, the programme aims to provide the appropriate scientific understanding and extensive training in management and environmental subjects, in addition to advanced knowledge of surveying and geomatics. Further, the programme also aims to develop the transferable skills frequently sought by potential employers, such as those associated with verbal and written communication, and teamwork.

The programme is offered with the Faculty of Geomatics. The Faculty consists of a diversely qualified group of experts, and physical resources – e.g. software, survey instruments, reading materials– that are unparalleled. Given the years of academic and professional experience of the teaching faculty, the programme will be conducted in a novel manner so that the student gets hands-on experience. This practical based approach to teaching is applied to all course modules.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On successfully completing the programme, a graduate should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge by applying modern concepts in geomatics and spatial and aspatial related data processing, including knowledge of related software.
  • Analyse geo-spatial data from basic to complex forms, GIS-based spatial data modelling, make judgments and propose solutions to related problems.
  • Apply project management principles, methods and tools for planning and executing large scale multi-disciplinary projects, including elements of environmental management, industrial relations, contract law and financial considerations.
  • Perform independent studies, identifying own personal development needs and goals, reflecting on own performance for personal, professional and scientific development.

Entry Qualification

The candidate should have at least one qualification in the following categories.

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Surveying Sciences or
  • A qualification equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree as recognized by the Senate and at least 2 years experience in the field of Geomatics.

Course Structure

MS 210Mathematics02
MS 211Geometric Reference Systems and Map Projections02
MS 212Land Economics02
MS 213Project Management03
MS 214GNSS for Surveyors03
MS 215Research Methodology and Scientific Writing02
MS 216Principles and Applications of Environmental Sciences02
Year I Semester II 
MS 220Statistics02
MS 221Programming Skills for Surveyors02
MS 222GIS for Surveyors03
MS 223Adjustment Calculus02
MS 224Hydrography for Surveyors02
MS 225Photogrammetry02
MS 226Gravity Field Modelling and Interpretations02
Year II Semester I 
MS 330Remote Sensing for Surveyors03
MS 231Web Mapping02
MS 232Cadastral Surveying02
MS 233Land Management02
MS 234Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)02
MS 235Laser Scanning02
MS 236Advanced Surveying Studio02
Year II Semester I and Semester II
MS 150Dissertation15
Total Credits61


CategoryAmount (LKR)
Application Processing Fee (Non-Refundable)2,500.00
Registration Fee20,000.00
Tuition Fee*280,000.00
Library FeeN/A

*Tuition fee can be paid in two (02) instalments LKR 140,000 each. And the balance fee should be settled at the beginning of the second year. Sponsored students must submit a sponsorship letter upon registration. The letter must clearly state the type of fees covered (such as registration, tuition, library etc.).

Other Fees Applicable

CategoryAmount (LKR)
Repeat Examination per Course2,500.00
Thesis Re-examination Fee30,000.00
Research Proposal Re-submission Fee10,000.00
Extension of the Period of Registration per Semester10,000.00
Deferment Fee10,000.00

Payment Method

Bank Account Details for Local Students

Bank /Branch (Branch Code): Bank of Ceylon /Sabaragamuwa University Branch (286)
Account Name: Faculty of Graduate Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Account Number: 79701001

Option 01- Over-the-Counter Banking

The Student must mention the NIC No: for “Reference number” in Deposit Slip as per the attached sample slip and request the bank to enter it along with the transaction.

After making the payment, the student should send the a photo/ scan copy of the deposit slip immediately to the following email addresses for system update purposes;


Option 02-Online Banking Applications (Apps).  E.g. – People’s Wave, FriMi, BOC B app.

The Student must use NIC No: as “Remarks”/ “Transaction Description” when fund transferring.

After making the payment, the student should send the fund transfer confirmation / a screen print  immediately to the following email addresses for system update purposes;


Option 03-Internet Payment Gateway (IPG).

You can make online payments using “VISA” or “MASTER” Debit/Credit card issued by any Bank. If you wish to use a Debit Card, please make sure that the Debit Card supports on-line payments, and necessary configurations are done. You may contact the issuing bank for verification.

Step 01- Go to the Faculty of Graduate Studies Website Home page: https://www.sab.ac.lk/fgs/

Step 02- Select the “Online payment” at the bottom of the page.

Step 03- Fill the date entry field/ cages in the Internet Payment Gateway (IPG)

Step 04 – Enter your card details and confirm to pay.

After making the payment, the student should send the receipt of the payment to the following email addresses for system update purposes;



Download Payment options (PDF)

For International Students: Please make Cheque or Bank Draft payable to Faculty of Graduate Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

Account Number: 0090819484
Currency Type: USD
Account Name: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Bank Name / Bank Code: Bank of Ceylon / 7010
Branch Name / Branch Code: Sabaragamuwa University Branch / 286

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Online ApplicationApply Online
Source – Sunday Observer (2024.08.18)

Venue: FGS-SUSL Ratnapura Centre

Tuition Fee: LKR 280,000.00

Coordinator: (2017-2019 Intakes)

Dr. H Divithura
E-mail: divithura@geo.sab.ac.lk

Coordinator: (2020-2021 Intakes)

Dr. RMKGSPB Koswatte
E-mail: koswatte@gmail.com

Coordinator: (2022 Intakes)

Dr. (Mrs.) A.K.R.Nishamanie Ranasinghe
E-mail:  nishamanie@geo.sab.ac.lk