Heavy Vehicle Machine Operator – Panduwasnuwara Pradeshiya Sabha 2017

Closing Date – 2017-August-18

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Instructions to Candidates

Application prepared using both sides of a a4 size paper in accordance with the specimen form indicate in the Notification should be sent under the registered post to ”Secretary, Panduwasnuwara Pradeshiya Sabha, Hettipola.” To be received on or before 2017.08.18. It should be written on the top left corner of the envelop enclosing the application ”application for the post of drivers in the categories of Service of Preliminary Technical Grade iii (Heavy Vehicle Machine Operators iii)”. Applications from applicants who are already in the Public Service/ Provincial Public Service must be forwarded through the Heads of their respective departments. Applications which are not completed or received after the closing date, will be rejected without Information.

Panduwasnuwara Pradeshiya Sabha,

Contact Numbers : 037-2291075

Source – Gazette – 2017.07.28

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