Masters in Labour Relations and Human Resource Management (MLRHRM) 2017 / 2018 – University of Colombo

Closing Date – 2017-March-31

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Instructions to Candidates

Application forms and other information can be obtained from the Deputy Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS). University of Colombo, Colombo 03 or can be downloaded from the FGS website . Completed applications can be handed over to the FGS or sent under registered cover to reach FGS before 31st April 2017. The application fee of Rs 2000/= should be paid to the FGS of its accounts on 318-1804-0000-1 at any branch of the Peoples Bank.

Deputy Registrar,
Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS),
University of Colombo,
Colombo 03.

Contact Numbers : 011-2055656 / 0711665665 / 0777858858
Email – [email protected]

Source – Website, University of Colombo Official Website

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